Sed vitae enim egestas, congue arcu et, efficitur augue. Cras sit amet venenatis est. Sed pulvinar sodales lacus sit amet placerat. Nulla facilisi. Integer pellentesque semper magna vel pellentesque. Cras imperdiet tortor sit amet erat aliquet rutrum.

Amy Joy Snyder is a self-taught artist and illustrator based in Ashland, Oregon. Her work primarily focuses on capturing the beauty of landscape, whether through realism or impressionism, working mainly in acrylics. Amy uses techniques she has honed over the past three years to create stunning displays of color, contrast, and texture. Emotional connection to her work is what Amy strives for, as she believes that beauty is sacred.
When she is not painting, Amy is a full-time mother of four children, three of whom she homeschools. Her husband is attending school full time to become a licensed counselor. Their dream is to eventually own a large piece of property, have goats and chickens, and host couples weekends and artist retreats.